Wildflower teachers are actively learning and keeping their skills sharp, even over the summer! Last week, they collaborated with Susan Hughes, and got hands on with some new teaching strategies. Lots of laughs and learning!
Parking Lot Shade
Majestic Sycamore Tree
Tall and Strong
Holey fluttering leaves poking the sky
Reaching branches covered
a cracky contoured Map
Knotty teardrops dripping
onto elephant toes.
Echoing killdeer songs.
By Debbie & Kali
tall and strong
reaching, fluttering, poking the sky
bark as cracky as a contoured map
holey leaves
by Becky & Morgan
Who Am I
I reach to poke the sky
My elephant toes
touch the earth
My backbone keeps
me tall and strong
My cracky skin
a contour map
My knotty wound shed tears
My fluttering fingers
wave goodbye
by Cassandra, Victoria & Linda